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APA Formatting Style – Basic APA Outline Format

When you are writing an essay, research paper or creating an outline for any other paper, you can use APA outline format in order to organize your ideas in a logical manner and perfectly structure your outline. If you read on, you will learn more about using APA formatting style and improve your writing skills.

Samples of APA Outline Format

The following tutorial is on the basic APA outline format:

  • Use Roman numerals for the main titles in the outline; use capital letters for the sub-headings;

  • Use Arab numerals for the sub-headings;

  • The decimal outline format can be also used though it is less popular.

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We have prepared few samples of APA outline format for better understanding:

The University Application

I. Select Campus

A. Visit campus syllabus

B. Visit its websites

1. Look through the courses

2. Check the official statistics

a. Undergraduate and postgraduate ratio

II. Prepare Application

A. Write a personal statement

1. Select a motivational theme

a. Interesting games in school

b. Your school mentor

2. Significant details

a. Experience of volunteering

b. Sport achievements and activities

c. Club membership.

III. Compose Curriculum Vitae

A. Indicate the appropriate assignments

B. Work experience (if any)

C. Volunteer experience

1. The community-cleaning group

2. Vice president

The Decimal Outline Format

1.0 Select insurance policy

1.1 Analyze policies

1.2 Check insurance websites and contact agents

1.2.1 Insurance items

1.2.2 Claims



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Guidelines on Preparing a Good Outline

An outline is a cornerstone of every writing assignment as it helps to arrange all the questions that will be discussed and analyzed in the paper. The proper structure of the piece of writing is a significant step in preparing the assignment. One should summarize all the points that will be discussed and try to put in order all the facts.

The things one should know when preparing an outline:

  • Similar features

First of all, you should properly structure headings and sub-headings. You should adhere to the chosen structure of the paper. What is more, your headings and sub-headings should have the same tense and it should be consistent till the end of the writing assignment.

  • Coordination

Coordination can be hardly overestimated, as it is significant between the headings. Your headings should be meaningful and bring significance to the paper. That is why there is no need to rush. The same rule refers to the sub-headings. However, it is worth mentioning that the info you give in sub-headings must be less important.

  • Subordination

This tip will help you to make the outline clearer. First, when you prepare a heading, you provide a known information or fact there. The next step is to prepare a sub-heading. The latter must be more specific and narrow down to other themes. Both, heading and sub-heading, should not be too hard for understanding. In addition, try to make them succinct.

  • Division

By and large, the outline consists of different parts. Division is a key that assist in keeping information in order. A reader can easily choose the part that seems more interesting and does not need to look through the whole writing assignment. Each heading should include at least two parts. However, be attentive, as if you decide to make many sub-headings, it can worsen the outline. Try to be specific! If you cannot delete some parts, there is a way out. You can add one more heading and put them there.

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Students have to prepare an outline when writing any assignment of the college level. That is why it is crucially important for them to know how to prepare it. We hope that this small tutorial will assist in creating a quality outline.

In case you have any questions, do not hesitate and contact us. Our support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are always ready to help! Our company proposes academic writing help at a reasonable price. We have helped thousands of students and exceled at providing authentic writing assignments of the superior quality. Contact us right away and you will not regret!

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Paper Format:

  • 12 pt. Times New Roman
  • Double-spaced/Single-spaced papers
  • 1 inch margins
  • Any citation style
  • Up-to-date sources only
  • Fully referenced papers

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