Non-profit organizations are the essential structures in the society. The importance of the institutions is paramount for the development of the community. Most people take the functions of the institutions for granted although their effect is immense to the community. Since the society is changing and constantly globalizing, the purpose, structure, and the place of non-profit organizations are always changing. The organizations are constantly searching new and better ways of increasing their efficiency. One of the most important things to note is the direction of NGOs. The future of the organization is an important aspect of the economy and welfare of individuals. Unfortunately, the more the economy and the population grow, the more the social welfare in the society is forgotten. The paper focuses on the future purpose, structure, and place of the non-profit organizations and explores how they can improve their functioning.
Non-profitable organizations depend on people who are raising funds for sustaining the functioning of NGOs. The method of raising donations depends from one company to another. Some of them call for dinners where they invite high-end professionals and the rich for a grant, while others find donators from large cooperates. The NGO can improve the form of getting donations by improving their storytelling techniques. Moreover, the research shows that some of the best methods to reach out to donor include storytelling. However, this process needs to be quite polished to reach out to the donors. The story should have an emotional touch; it should be able to establish the reason of the purpose and mission of the NGO. It should be able to catch the donor on the emotional level. By doing this, the donor would see the need to fund the movement. Nowadays, most NGOs tell stories just for the purpose of sharing with other donors. This behavior results in having less donations since they have not connected to the donor emotionally as expected. Indeed, the research shows that when a person gets emotionally attached, the higher he empathizes with the movement, making him generous in his funding (Wolf, 2012).
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The purpose of an NGO is usually to help with the development of a community. In telling the story, a person should always reveal the facts about the real situation. Many NGOs often tell stories about the reality. However, they do not show the facts about the particular situation. The future purpose of the NGOs is to help the community achieve some of the most non-profitable objectives. To reach their goals, NGOs need to show facts and outline of their work. By displaying the event in a detailed form, the donors would be able to picture the challenges in a real life situation. They would appreciate the work of NGO and, in fact, donate even more than expected. The higher the funding is the greater the efficiency of NGO is. The donors would also be able to sympathize with the facts on the table and be more generous to the NGO. For instance, for an NGO dealing with low poverty levels in the developing countries, it is wise to show the rate of people below the poverty line. Besides, the donors would also have a feeling of what is happening. It would help the NGO build a framework and objectives of their mission. The structure of the organization will have to be developed to establish the facts as objectives of the mission. At the end of the project, the NGO will be able to show the donors on how the contributed funds have helped the community according to the facts.
The future structure of NGOs will ensure the whole organization has a communication department. Today most of the NGOs do not have a communication department to stay in touch with the donors. However, this department in the structure of the NGO is of the same importance as the one dealing with finance. Communication in the society favors for development of both NGOs and the regular people. The form in which the NGOs communicate is imperative for the community; some of the methods used by NGOs determine their efficiency. Developing a well thought and structured communication plan is very vital. First, the NGO has to discover the cohort of individuals interested in the mission. The communication can be aired using different tools such as meeting, dinners, social sites or even website (Wolf, 2012). The method of communication should reach the target group; by interacting with them it will help to determine how efficient the donors fundraise, and to ascertain the efficiency of the NGOs to reach the public. Furthermore, the NGO will be able to create awareness about the particular problem affecting the community. For instance, an NGO communicating about gender-based violence through social media would not only inform the potential donors but also create awareness to the public about the matter. The method of communication to the public is vital. Also, the organization should include a well-structured finance department to monitor funds coming to the organization and leaving the firm to ensure transparency.
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The number of time the message is conveyed to the target group is also paramount. The organizations should be able to air the message to the target group frequently. By doing this, it reminds the donors on the issues. Besides, the donors act fast so that the NGO fulfill its objective faster than expected. Many NGOs usually have a deadline to achieve a particular goal. Goal setting for the NGOs is challenging since they depend on a set of people to invest on their ideologies and facts. Financial planning becomes difficult, reminding a person to donate without putting a wrong impression or too much pressure is challenging. The organization finds it difficult to ask funds from a donor as promised so that they achieve a goal. However, by repeating the message and the story over and over again the donor remembers his role in the whole mission. Moreover, the donor takes the message positively promoting a healthy relationship between the donor and the organization. The structure of the NGO also determines its success; hence, it should have a good communication department. Sometimes good skilled personnel might be the trick (Wolf, 2012). The research has shown that even an individual who has a passion for the mission might just be the person to convey the storyline. The individual will be determined to be able to communicate to the donor in an appealing way. The summation of the story also might be a determinant, and NGOs should be able to summarize the story showing the need for the fundraising. The person telling the story should keep in mind the purpose of the story is not having fun but communicating the whole message to the donors. However, the organization should be careful of how many times the story is repeated. It should ensure that the story does not bore the target group; there should be some breaks between the storyline. The story should always have the vigor every time it is told compared to the first time.
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Research has shown that many of the NGOs tend to find new donors and tend to forget the existing ones. The matter of this fact is that most of the current donors feel unappreciated or left in the dark concerning the NGO mission. When the NGOs tend to find the new funding they should also appreciate the existing ones. One of the methods for establishing good relationships between the organization and the NGO is sending thank you cards and messages. Some organizations have gone to the extent of organizing dinners for their fundraisers just to appreciate the good work they have achieved. Besides, showing the fundraisers the facts of the mission is crucial. The objective of the NGO is to achieve a particular task; if the donors feel the organization has delivered the set of goals, the possibility of funding it is very high. Besides, the NGO should know how to channel its credit (Wolf, 2012). Mostly the organization takes the credit for the work done while they use the funds from the donors. Comparing the donors as heroes of the mission might just give the fundraisers the morale to contribute again and again. Maintaining the donors is one of the most important steps to NGOs increasing efficiency. Some organizations have even gone to the extent of giving the donors an opportunity to tell the story. The form of appreciation might look simple but its effects on the output of the NGOs are quite incredible. The fundraisers feel appreciated as a part and parcel of the whole mission. Advocating for stewardship might also increase the number of funds the organization will be able to get.
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Defining the future place for NGOs can be quite challenging, since it is hard to speculate any given situation. However, the NGOs will bridge the gap between the profit firms in the economy and the government. The NGOs will be able to improve the welfare of many individuals in the society. The link will enable the economy of the country to grow to help the welfare of individuals even more. Secondly, the NGO place in the society is to take the experimental change that the private and the government sector cannot withstand. The NGOs can take and withstand risk that is not acceptable by both the government and the profit sector due to their economy viability. The place of the NGOs in the society is very paramount since most of the issues they handled cannot be handled by any other organization.
In conclusion, it is evident that the proper future functioning of NGOs in the society is paramount. The paper has investigated some of the crucial elements that determine the prosperity of non-profit organizations. The NGOs should tailor the way they communicate to the public such as using a storyline. The storyline also should be appropriate to fit the objectives of the mission and also enable people to have sympathy for the task. Management can be quite challenging due the vast population an NGO deals with; however, a good structure makes administrating and dedicating jobs and roles quite easier. Defining the function of an NGO in the American society is difficult. Some are based in the community while others are multipurpose. Organizations should also ensure that they manage the given funds well; by doing this they will maintain a cert sense of responsibility ensuring the public have trust to them. Besides, the NGOs place should always be covering the non-profitable presentation sector of the economy, since it is vital for the organization to handle.
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