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Probation and Parole in the USA

Free «Probation and Parole in the USA» Essay Sample

Given the growing crime rates in the United States, probations and paroles have come to the limelight. Probation and parole are fragments of a distinctively American structure of criminal impartiality, in which conflicting goals and rival anticipations are resolved in a whirling cauldron of policies. Americans need more safety from crime while asserting that determinations to afford this security do not endanger their cherished legal privileges. The staff wellbeing concerns and high-risk caseloads gradually will move officers away from collective probation perceptions of casework toward the concepts more carefully affiliated with control or punitive philosophies. This research observes what the prospect of probation and parole will be like in the USA in the future considering the present challenges.

Underlying Challenges Facing Probation and Parole in the USA

Probation divisions in the USA have become severely under-staffed just since nowadays, they are being banked on more profoundly than before. Probation, rather than penitentiary, is the most dominant form of retribution. Probation officers have become less and less intricate in their usual role, more similar to public activity, and they are extra preoccupied with law enforcement, tracking down those who have violated the positions of liberty. Notwithstanding an exceptional rise in the number of established facilities, a vast number of wrongdoers have been placed under observation in the community. Congestion has been one of the factors that have resulted into the factor.

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The upsurge in the controlled crime has led to the augmented number of lawbreakers, which has caused the congestion of correctional amenities in the USA and the significant compromise of law administration representatives through bribes (Abadinsky, 2013, p. 23).

In the USA, the number of felons freed on bail will continue to increase since more and more offenders are sent back to jail regularly, and the overcrowded penitentiaries are now required to discharge several of the offenders early to meet the economic boundaries and populace limits. Typically, the state of those ex-convicts when they are reintroduced to the community will be dreadful. Some ex-convicts will be vagrant, becoming unqualified for housing space until they have spent at least one night on the street. Many will suffer from bodily diseases, psychological ailments, addiction syndromes, or their mixture. A fraction of the former felons will be back in jail within few years.

Presently, less consideration lacks in the responsibility of control in refining the wellbeing of bailed felons and the societies where they go back. Many contemporary systems described by the state perform poorly and conduct of those responsible. Noticeably, parole fails to regulate the conduct of convicts and adds massively to the penitentiary thronging issue by referring many of them back to jail. The high degree of repeated offences among the bailed felons, while creating uncertainty on the ability of confinement to accomplish crime prevention and therapy, also obscures the duty of decreasing the number of individuals in detention. It is hard to build the argument that many inmates are sent wrongfully to prisons, experiencing a tough time after being freed. The rise in the number of offenders serving parole and probation has led the US government to institute proposed measures to deal with the challenges in the future. The factor arises as the more active probation could aid the nation in experiencing reduced delinquency and incarceration.

Technology and Office Automation

Hard copy, physically preserved probation, and parole records need thousands of square feet of room plus workforce support to find these documents, organize them for storage, attend to them, and operate with them. Probation officers are mandated to keep casebooks, which record acquaintances with and improvement of wrongdoers, and monitor amenability with the court-sanctioned circumstances, cure programs, and public services. Computer apparatus, programs, and mechanization have become an essential part of probation and parole offices. In future, automation will permit for not only trailing lawbreakers but also allow for computerized case review programs, analytical tracking, and mechanized bookkeeping systems.

The Criminal Justice System

In the future, the US criminal justice system will be entrenched in the rational solutions and real standards. The system will keep everybody safe and encourage the reintegration and redemption of former criminals. In addition, the system will sustain central human privileges like due process, similar security under the law, and liberty from needless incarceration (Jenkins, 2012, p. 14).

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Electronic Monitoring

The future of US parole and probation will be categorized by electronic control. Lawbreakers will be put under automated observation-supervision. Since the courts have tremendously sanctioned the use of the devices, it is likely that the devices will be used at even advanced rates. Case reviews and officer assessments will be simplified with the advance of programs intended for this purpose. In the future, bail panel officials will employ computer software schemes planned to forecast whether different offenders would reappear back in custody. The move will assist bond teams to establish enhanced judgments regarding which felons to retain in the penitentiaries and which ones to discharge. Furthermore, evidence-centered approaches, several comprising software plans, will be instituted to analyze a prisoner’s chances of recidivism (Walker, 2013, p. 1).

Officer Safety

Many establishments have also perceived that the probation populaces are progressively comprised of dangerous lawbreakers who often present a high possibility of a threat to the public and the probation personnel. In the future, the safety of these officers will be of greatest importance and might entail exceptional risk retirement, the state of the art defensive weapons, and insurance covers.

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Employment Selection Process

The enrollment and selection of probation and parole officers depend on familiarity, abilities, and capabilities needed to perform the obligations of a correctional probation and parole officer. However, those trainees, when they return from the college, meet their knowledgeable agents acting contrary to the expected norms. In the future, selection and recruitment process will be supplemented with a follow-up of the trainees to ensure that they apply their training.

Alternative Sanctions

In the future, use of alternative authorizations will be actualized. The future programs will involve community control, impulse interviewing, conduct cognitive therapy, and pretrial intercessions.


Despite other authorizations and release programs, congestion will still occur. Alterations in the probation and parole service, joined with changes triggered by socioeconomic and political happenings, will continue to make the different tasks of probation and parole more control-oriented.

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Integrated Surveillance Efforts Established with Local Law Enforcement

Presently, numerous individuals under supervision are lawbreakers committing crimes. In the future, collaboration between law enforcement and probation will maximize effectiveness and, at the same time, provide for better safety for the probation officers who might otherwise be obligated to make late night calls to dangerous places without backup. In the future, faced with growing caseloads and no increase in finance or manpower, agencies will look for ways to decrease the workload. Probation organizations will stop imposing probation rules against the use and ownership of controlled drugs. Active observation of the clients sentenced for possession and use of controlled drugs will end. Any individual put on surveillance by courts will be given administrative status and referred to the treatment centers.


It is evident that the future of probation and parole in the USA is multidimensional, where many changes are expected to occur. Among the changes, one can mention technology and office automation, alternative sanctions, officer safety, and employee selection process. In addition, gridlock and integrated surveillance efforts established with the local law enforcement represent most likely changes for the probation and parole system in the future.

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