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Reorganization of the Job

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External environment greatly affects internal processes of the business. Therefore, the employer first needs to understand that the business environment is changing, and the mode of conducting business should be altered as well. However, human beings are generally resistant to change, and so are the employees. Therefore, proper strategies should be devised with in order to implement the change process swiftly.

Organizational Development

Organizational development, otherwise referred to as OD, entails the process of applying scientific behavioral ideologies to make business entities more efficient (Brown, 2011). Practitioners in this field of study look into all the components and functions of business entities and other organizations, such as government and private sector entities. Each employee – from the top management to the most casual worker – is assessed and changes to turn around the fortune of the entity are recommended.

Organizational Development Process Skills

The managers of this company must, therefore, have a particular set of skills. First of all, the manager in charge of the reorganization process must possess good organizational skills. These skills entail the ability to revamp organizational structures to increase the company’s output and accountability. The management should be able to study the organization’s key functions and identify the redundant ones as well as the productive ones. Some responsibilities may also be merged so as to increase overall productivity.

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Another skill that will be necessary in the change process includes communicative abilities. It entails the ability to encourage trust and enhance performance. Involving some of the employees in designing the new systems may make them feel as part of the change process. Therefore, they will be likely to view the process with less suspicion. Such approach will make them more committed to the goals of the business and, therefore, increase their productivity (Brown, 2011).

The third skill that must be used in organizational development is direction-setting. This skill entails the ability to reevaluate the entity’s overall approach to its mission, vision and general perspective on leadership. Management should be able to offer inspirational leadership to reinvigorate passion among the employees. The leaders should strive to lead by example and show commitment to the company’s mission.

What is more, managers should possess proper process skills. They are needed, since the company’s processes are redesigned by adding quantifiable improvements. Therefore, change will be applied to some of the procedures and pecking order. It can also entail the elimination of some bureaucratic and rigid procedures that slow down the functioning of the business.

Change Management Strategies

Most change managers may make some mistakes as they plan how to implement change policies. Some mistakes include failure to consider the persons who are going to be affected by those changes, incorrect or unclear aims, lack of communication or attention through the implementation, and too much emphasis on the technical perspective (Tushman & O’Reilly III, 2006). Therefore, in order for the management of an organization to avoid resistance to the changed policies, it should avoid making the above mistakes.

To implement change in the short term, the management needs to take a particular approach. First, stabilizing any apparent crisis is necessary. All urgent matters that may lead to major improvements should be dealt with instantly. The finances should be restructured to finance the drastic changes. After restructuring of the finances, the focus is shifted towards the visions and goals that were previously ignored. The management then communicates with the employees about the eventual target in a clear manner. In order to be strategic, the management should aim to win the major stakeholders’ support and reduce the resistance level.

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Long-term strategies of implementing change include several steps. First and foremost is deciding on the long-term goals that the management would eventually want to achieve. The timing and the reasonableness of implementing the change should also be considered. For instance, it would not be a good idea to enforce the change when there is no clear need for it. In addition, if the proposed change is large, then it should be introduced slowly (Tushman & O’Reilly III, 2006).

Another long-term strategy is the consideration of the work culture. First, leaders seek to know how things are done in the ordinary course of business and involve people in the identification of the cultural goal. The next strategy is enabling people to see the immediate benefits of the change. For instance, if the change is about customer relations, it is necessary to achieve the feedback to persuade the employees that the new methods are better. The final strategy entails communication. Two-way communication is necessary. It involves communicating the aims and aspirations while allowing employees to express the frustrations they are facing.

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Job and Responsibility Reorganization

Managers and business owners need to acknowledge that the highly performing organizations need to be well-designed so as to produce the desired results. When not properly designed, the firms are usually wasteful and inefficient. To remedy this situation, the managers need to undertake a reorganization program using the following steps.

First, a strategic plan for the reorganization is needed. It includes certain goals and visions, such as lowering expenses, upgrading the quality of service delivery, etc. Next, a team of visionaries are assigned to steer the change process. These are the persons within the organization who will help identify challenges, goals, main functions and alternatives for change. After putting the team together, a deadline for the reorganization process should be chosen (Miller & Waisman, 2004).

The next step is to evaluate the employees’ capabilities by finding out how they do their jobs. Moreover, a flowchart can be drawn so that the redundancies and duplications can be noted and eliminated. It is also important to include the employees in the process of change. This task can be achieved by explaining them the reasons for the reorganization as well as asking for their opinions. What is more, the leaders should to devise a method of telling them if their job is at risk. It can be easily done by asking them to apply for the new positions. Keeping the employees updated on all news will prevent ill-feelings and suspicion. Finally, letting people go is another important step. If the manager is forced by the circumstances to fire, then he should fear doing so (Miller & Waisman, 2004).

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The Impact of Resources

When the business is generating enough profit, it cultivates enough to support its operations. As a result, the employees will have work to do while in the organization. On the other hand, when the business is not making profits or does not have enough resources to sustain its operations, there will be no funds to support the employees.

Therefore, the level of resources is also an important factor in determining whether employees will be motivated or not. When there are no resources, the employees will fear being fired. It can act as a demoralizing factor.


As outlined earlier, the change process in an organization can create a very difficult situation for the management of the business. As a matter of fact, everyone is resistant to change. However, this resistance can be negotiated by utilizing organizational development skills, which include organization, communication, direction-setting and process skills. In addition to these skills, both short- and long-term change management strategies should be employed to minimize the risk of resistance. A smooth reorganization strategy, as outlined above, should be embraced. Finally, the management should strive to have enough resources to keep the employees assured of their job safety.

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