Table of Contents
Research Report on Green Marketing of Ecofriendly Engines
Executive Summary
Engaging in a new product is always a challenge for most companies and institutions. There is a number of challenges and uncertainties that most profit-oriented executives attempt to avoid in business operations. However, those who took the risk of the opportunity tend to receive the benefits. The idea of engaging in green marketing for Toyota would be a great success considering the findings of the research below. The company should embrace the new concept not only to stay ahead of the competition in the market, but also to protect the environment.
This report seeks to present the findings of a research on the possible marketing strategy of a new line of engines. The report also provides a recommendation on the feasibility of the strategy to the company and analysis of the steps that the company should undertake. The new engine development involved the modification of the existing engines developed by Toyota to be more environmentally friendly. Since vehicles are involved in the majority of people’s lives and most of them consume carbon based fuel, the pollution of the environment is increasing. In addition, Toyota is one of the biggest manufacturers of automobiles worldwide; hence their vehicles would be responsible for a fraction on the environmental pollution from the transport systems. However, there is an opportunity to decrease the environmental pollution through development of better engines. The newer environment-friendly engines should consume less fuel and at the same time maintain the great performance as the classical engines. The research also considered other concepts such as use of engines powered by carbon free fuels (Peattie & Charter, 1994).
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Materials and Methods
Some of the designs and materials used in the marketing research included questionnaires, tables, graphs, charts, audio recorders, cameras and photographs. The procedure of gathering information was a challenging undertaking. First and foremost, there was identification of the sites to carry out the interviews to meet the goals of various research parts. Some of the areas included streets, garages, schools, and police stations, relevant official institutions, parking areas and bus stations and car showrooms. The people interviewed provided answers to the questions asked about their perceptions of the ecofriendly engine, and ideas on the various advertisements of the same. In addition, some interviewees provided information through correspondence without actual meeting with the researcher based on the exchange of questionnaires via mail. Some of the questions asked included their thoughts on the marketing of the current engines and the automobile industry’s role in global warming. The questions included both open-ended questions and closed questions that required either true or false responses. The potential buyers of vehicle answered questions on what criteria they used when choosing cars to purchase, and whether fuel consumption and its subsequent role in the rapidly changing environment would influence the final decision. The drivers also answered questions on the difficulties that they face with various kinds of engines. Moreover, the correspondents gave feedback on the sources, from which they obtained marketing information.
The next step was recording of the data in various forms. The step included recoding some of the interviews using audio or video recording devices for feature reference, analysis and deduction. The questionnaires also served as effective means of recording and storage of data. In addition, the cameras produced some valuable photos to further add to the data analysis. In the central control area the data analysis and evaluation was conducted. Tabulation of the responses on tables and various graphs such as bar and chart graphs was employed to draw conclusions. Finally, data analysis to see what most people had and desired to have in the future was the last step of the research process.
Discussion below presents various findings of the research. Some of the outcomes showed that most people disliked advertisements of vehicles that they thought or experienced as producers of excessive carbon emissions; hence would prefer marketing of environment-friendly autos. The majority of the respondents, especially drivers or vehicle owners, disliked vehicles that consumed large amount of fuel. Moreover, many people showed a strong liking for ecofriendly engines. They also shared a great optimism for the future of the ecological engine and motor vehicle sector. Respondents hoped that more vehicle companies would embrace the environmental friendly concepts in the design and manufacturing of engines. The majority of people liked the idea of marketing engines that posed the least problems to their lives currently and for their offspring. The larger percentage of the interviewees suggested Internet as the main area of research on a vehicle before visiting the show room to make a purchase. There was also a sizeable fraction of people, who depended on the suggestions of the vehicle sellers for the recommendations on what kind of vehicles to buy.
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The first conclusion drawn is that most people preferred ecofriendly engines compared to the current engines that tended to produce excessive carbon waste products. Consumers would rather acquire new engines or vehicles that consumed less fuel or engines that worked with non-carbon mediated fuels. The conclusion showed that if Toyota produced ecofriendly engines and cars, they would receive a positive attitude in the market. The eco marketing strategy would be a successful statement as the company would identify with most of the people in the current drive for a safer environment. The endurance to the consumers would give Toyota an advantage in the cut throat competition in the automobile industry (Ottman, 1998).
Since most people preferred the Internet as the main source of information to research on vehicles before buying one, Internet advertisements of these ecofriendly engines and vehicles would yield positive response. The online advertisements should appear on various sites visited by many people such as social sites and on the vehicle selling sites. The social sites include Twitter, Facebook among many others. Once consumers saw the advertisements, they would be inclined to research more on the environmental friendly machines and purchase one in the future. Moreover, people would pass on the information to their friends and relatives, who also might be in need of the similar products. Hence, the strategy would result in a boost of the sales revenue in the company.
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There were many challenges faced during the process of data collection, analysis, presentation and interpretation. Some of these issues included uncooperative respondents, selecting the appropriate audience to interview and breakdown of data collecting instruments. In stage of data interpretation, it was a challenge to claim that the data from a sample of people would correctly explain or express the interests of the consumer population.
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