Table of Contents
- Research Design Descriptors
- Buy Research Methods Course: Employees' Productivity and Engagement in Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center essay paper online
- Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Approach
- Focus on Research
- Researcher Involvement
- Research Purpose
- Sample Design
- Sample Size
- Research Design
- Participant Preparation
- Data Type and Preparation
- Data Analysis
- Insights and Meaning
- Research Sponsor Involvement
- Feedback Turnaround
- Data Security
- Qualitative Data Collection Methods
- Focus Groups
- Observation
- Pre-Tasking
- Research Questions
- Management Question
- Research Question
- Related Free Management Essays
Research Design Descriptors
The research question has been crystallized in the form of a formal study that seeks to answer the already developed research questions or test the hypothesis (Creswell, 2013). This approach is suitable for the project, because the study aims to establish the impact of the performance appraisal techniques on the employee’s productivity and engagement in Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center.
The data collection method suitable for the research is monitoring, which involves studies aimed at inspecting the nature of particular materials or various activities of the subject (Bernard, 2011). For this project, the researcher will apply the survey technique to monitor the employees’ activities and the appraisal system.
The experimental approach is more suitable for the control of variables in the project, because the scholar can manipulate the way the employees respond to the company’s choice of appraisal technique as opposed to a non-experimental approach that would limit the ability of the researcher. The experimental strategy is, therefore, the approach that enables the researcher to control or manipulate various variables in the research (Bernard, 2011). Additionally, the design is a powerful tool that helps the learner in supporting their hypothesis of causation.
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The explanatory technique seeks to answer the question, “why.” This statement means that the critical study involves learning of how one variable in the study produces a change or changes in another variable (Bernard, 2011). In this project, the researcher aims at establishing the impact of the employee appraisal system, which is one variable, on the employees’ productivity and engagement in the company, which is the second variable.
The time dimension approach appropriate for the study is longitudinal, because the scholar will be able to monitor changes over time. This technique involves the repetition of the survey over time to obtain the accurate results (Creswell, 2013). The rationale for the suitability of the design in this research consists in the study entailing an investigation of the employee’s reaction to a variable, which would require an observation over time to answer the research question.
The case study technique places more emphasis on the entire contextual analysis of the conditions or events, and the various interrelations (Creswell, 2013). For this reason, the design is suitable for the project, because the researcher will obtain the conclusive results from the full context of the analysis as opposed to a population sample.
The field setting of the research environment takes place in the real environmental conditions (Bernard, 2011). In this case, the area setting approach is appropriate, because the researcher will test the hypothesis or answer the research questions by addressing the variables in their actual environment, in this case within the organization.
The participants’ awareness of the research activity will be an actual routine, because the employees will not deviate from their day-to-day operations. This statement means that the employees will be unaffected and unaware of the study to obtain the desired results (Neuman & Robson, 2012).
Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Approach
Focus on Research
The researcher will apply the quantitative data collection approach, which will entail conducting a survey in the organization. Once the data are collected, the presentation will be conducted to explain the results of the investigation and predict the probable outcomes of the study.
Researcher Involvement
In this project, the scholar participation will be limited, which means that it will be controlled in order to prevent bias (Neuman & Robson, 2012). The researcher will only conduct the survey and allow the employees in Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center to answer the relevant questions that will help in meeting the research objectives.
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Research Purpose
This study seeks to understand the impact of the employee appraisal system on the workers’ engagement and productivity in Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center. The researcher aims at testing the theory that the evaluation technique applied in the organization has an effect on the employees’ performance. The results of the study will enable the researcher to identify the positive and negative impacts of the evaluation technique and implement strategies that can be used to improve the method used in the organization.
Sample Design
For this project, the probability sampling method may be implemented, which employs the random selection of participants (Bernard, 2011). To achieve best results, the researcher will set up the appropriate procedures or processes that will ensure that the discrete units of the population sample have an equal chance of being selected (Thompson, 2013; Lohr, 2010).
Sample Size
The desired sample size for this project is large, which will target all the employees at different levels of the organization. Among the targeted participants, there are staff members in the low, middle and management level. This approach will enable the scholar to obtain results from the participants that have different experiences and interactions with the employee appraisal strategy within the organization.
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Research Design
The researcher will use a pre-determined research approach, in this case the complete design. A single method will be utilized that is conducting a survey of the organization to obtain the desired results. The longitudinal technique will be employed, which will allow the learner to monitor changes in the variables under the investigation over time (Neuman & Robson, 2012).In this case, the constants are the employees’ reaction to the appraisal technique used in the organization.
Participant Preparation
In this project, no prior preparation of the participants is required to avoid biasing the respondents. The study will be conducted in the actual field setting of the employees, in this case within the firm. Additionally, their daily work routine will be maintained to avoid biases.
Data Type and Preparation
For this research, the quantitative data will be obtained from the survey and recorded in the form of verbal descriptions. The information will later be presented numerically, which will allow for the computerized analysis. For instance, the data may be presented in tables, graphs or statistics.
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Data Analysis
In this project, the computerized analysis will employ the mathematical and statistical methods of the evidence analysis. The researcher will carry out an ongoing analysis throughout the study because of the longitudinal nature of the survey (Neuman & Robson, 2012). This approach will ensure that the scholar maintains the precise distinction between judgments and facts.
Insights and Meaning
In terms of the quantitative approach applied in this project, the meaning will be limited because of the chance to probe the participants. Additionally, the quality of the survey technique used in this study will define the meaning. On the other hand, an insight will be affected by the limited ability to interact with the respondents within the organization with an aim to reinterview the participants.
Research Sponsor Involvement
The researcher will have an indirect or direct contact with the respondents to a minimum degree in order to avoid biases in the participants’ answers (Bernard, 2011). The learner will only employ the data collection tools and embark on the study without tampering with the actual field setting of the participants, while maintaining the daily routine of the employees in the organization.
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Feedback Turnaround
Large data samples are desired for this project, which will ensure that the relevant participants from all the staff levels in the organization are involved in the study. For this reason, the large data samples obtained from the data collected will lengthen the process. The Internet methodologies may be applied if they are deemed relevant to the quantitative approach desired in this project, which will enable shortening of the turnaround (Neuman & Robson, 2012). However, the application of the technique may be irrelevant for some studies.
Data Security
The nature of the data collection and analysis of this project will be progressive, given that the researcher will observe changes in the variables throughout the study (Neuman & Robson, 2012). For this reason, the competitors will know the course of the study. In other cases, the competitors will gather insights for the visible and reliable field based studies.
Qualitative Data Collection Methods
Focus Groups
This technique involves the group interviews, applying the same techniques and taking relatively the same time as the individual interviews (Catterall & Maclaran, 2007). The reason for using this method is that the group process will encourage the hesitant and shy respondents to contribute to the research.
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This approach will entail a stylized note taking of the predetermined reaction to an event, whenever it occurs. This technique will be reliable in this study, because the observation will be done over time to produce the accurate results (Catterall & Maclaran, 2007). In addition, more than one observer may be used in this project to increase the probability of reliable outcomes.
The qualitative approach requires pre-tasking, which involves a deliberate exercise in the preparation of the respondents (Neuman & Robson, 2012). For this project, pre-tasking will be necessary through ensuring that the researcher has the right environment and time for the study. This action will ensure that the accurate information is observed over time. On the other hand, a prior preparation of the participants through informing them about the purpose of the study will not be used to avoid bias. The rationale for this is to prevent instances, where the employees behave in a deliberate way, based on the knowledge that the study is being done on the impact of the appraisal technique on their engagement and productivity.
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Research Questions
In this project, the scholar developed a management question and a research question with the aim to meet the research objectives.
Management Question
- How can the employee engagement and productivity be increased with high-quality standards through the performance appraisal plan?
Research Question
- How does the performance appraisal system affect positively on the employee’s productivity and engagement?
The management and research questions will remain unchanged in this research project, because they will serve the overall objective of the study. The management question will use the results of the survey to develop effective ways of increasing staff productivity and engagement through the improved performance appraisal plan. On the other hand, the research question will investigate the reliability of the current appraisal system in improving the output and commitment of the workers in the organization’s vision.
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