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In the past decades, several incidences have occurred among the United Arab Emirates (UAE). They have called for a concern of disaster management docket. Inasmuch as such happenings have recorder fatalities, many impacted livelihoods, properties, as well as on the public. The outcomes to a number of these cases have demonstrated that it becomes difficult to control and manage the effects of some event not restricted to earthquakes. Hence, an emergency management body has been designed to manage the impacts of such calamities. This paper will dig deep and discuss the five core components of integrated emergency management, such as preparedness, Resource Management, Communication and Information Management, Ongoing Management and Maintenance, Command and Management. Moreover, the essay will analyze how they might be applied in the UAE context.
The events which are hazardous are described in various ways. They differ in their emergency, imminent and intensity of destructions, which require a significant preparedness to respond to them when they occur. Preparedness involves an effective planning for various emergencies to respond to unforeseen and foreseen events. The first step in it is to carry out a contingency plan by tabling who are responsible for calamities response, resources and ability to coordinate reactions (“NCEMA in focus,” 2016). The second phase of disaster preparedness involves putting together a disaster preparedness checklist.
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According to Phillips, Neal, and Webb (2012), this list entails drawing all possible escape routes in case of an emergency. The checklist also should contain the emergency contact of various entities participating in a rescue process. Therefore, the casualties can be taken to medical facilities. This list should provide some family emergency contact given to family members. It should indicate some plans for what to do in case of an emergency such as the meeting place and plans of evacuation (“NCEMA in focus,” 2016). This checklist should as well involve a pets plan in emergency critical situation. This arrangement may comprise of keeping a phone list of pet-friendly hotels and other animal shelters that are along your vacation routes. This preparedness checklist fully suits the UAE since the rate at which calamities strike these nations need people always to have the list at all time.
Disaster preparedness also calls for gathering a preparedness supplies list (Phillips, Neal, & Webb, 2012). The state authorities or the disaster management team should ensure that all the supplies needed during a critical situation are put ready in case an event associated with a catastrophe occurs. This strategy in preparedness can be applied by the UAE. It is frequently experiencing different calamities hence putting standby supplies will enhance proper responses.
Disaster preparedness requires the public to acquire a Disaster Preparedness Kit that is tailored to specific emergencies associated with their area (McCreight, 2015). There are various companies that manufacture different kits determined for various events. Such sets include those ones for fire, terrorism, among others. They are stored for any emergency of that sort as one of the basic primary requirement for survival in an urgent case (Roe & Schulman, 2015). The kit will enable victims to rely on their resources during the initial hours of tragedy and even sometimes after weeks after an emergency rather than solely relying on government help. Advising people to purchase the set prior is one of preparedness strategies that is applied to the UAE. The country is struck by various calamities such as earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons cyclones, and even terrorism, hence making people have the kits to reduce fatalities.
Communications and Information Management
Another core component of integrated emergency management is the Communications and Information Management. Effective communication and information management are critical not depending on the size of the event (Spinks, 2015). Emergency communication entails a lot of data which need to be communicated efficiently and managed properly. This one covers those technical means and modes required to provide and maintain operable and interoperable communication during, after or before a disaster occurrence.
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When an emergency is imminent, the agency concerned with emergency management formulates and disseminates indications and warning to the public of likelihood of the calamity striking (Roe & Schulman, 2015). Again, before the incidents the organizations should develop and maintain overall awareness and understanding of the potential disaster. Moreover, early to the event, the entities concerned take appropriate pre-incident actions by managing information and communicating their plans. It should be done in guiding people and other critical activities that will ensure that the effects of the disaster are mitigated. This work entails informing other related agency of imminent dangers and mobilization of resources as well as other multi- agency coordination to the area. It fits the situation in the UAE. It will allow the states and authorities alert and warn its people of some emergency thus getting out of danger before the calamity strike.
During an incident, the response team communicates and manages information about how the process of execution of operational decisions will be carried out and how they will request assistance (McCreight, 2015). On the other hand, there will be a communication between the rescue team and other groups to allow for transparency among them. These data require to be managed to help staff with planning, notifying, deploying, and alerting, monitoring and reporting the situations to the authorities and cooperating with each other in the operation. Communications and Information Management during an incident fit the UAE conditions due to rampant occurrences of calamities. Hence, it will ensure a quick and coordinated response within the incidence.
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Communications and Information Management is also required after the rescues have been done (Phillips, Neal, & Webb, 2012). This start with an evaluation of damage made and reported to authorities on how to begin restoring the order. After restoration, the agency will also carry the follow-up and evaluation to ensure that the affected people get back on their feet. The monitoring will enable the agency to evaluate their services depending on the answers given by the affected group. Therefore, they use this information to learn more about how to improve their response activities. The UAE should adopt the follow-up and evaluation so that each time a calamity strike is improved.
Resource Management
Resource Management forms an IEM. Such resources are among the equipment as well as personnel to oversee the effects on calamity. The excellent resources management encompasses management concepts that involve organizing and deploying recovery resources capable of managing resources and calamities. Resource management in the country should very be flexible so as to meet a variety of incidences.
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Proper management of the resources during an emergency should follow certain ethics. These ones include coordination for optimal use of resources and their standardization to enhance the effectiveness of a mutual aid agreement (Phillips, Neal, & Webb, 2012). Another value is consistency relevant in allocation and identification of resources. Besides, use is another ethics. It incorporates all donors, private sector, and government resources and channels them to meeting the incidence needs. Resource Management is one of the IEM strategies that can be applied in the UAE context. The reason is related to a high number of disasters; a lot of resources are required to rescue people and deal with the incidences. Proper resource management will ensure that the available resource is used efficiently and sparingly so as to cutter for other calamities.
Integrated Resource Management is grounded on five fundamental principles. These concepts are, planning, use of agreements, categories resources, resources identification and ordering, as well as efficient management of resources (McCreight, 2015). Planning on resources utilization is related to the inclusive exercises such as the provision of foundation for inter-compatibility and operability of resources through a calamity. All the agencies involved in the rescue should participate in planning how the resources should be used and how alternative resources should be sourced.
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On the use agreement, the organizations engaged in disaster responses should have a general agreement. This deal should discuss how they would share the resources and what type of resources each agency should be equipped with and at what quantity.
The categorizing principles require that the parties organize the resources by classifying them depending on their type, size, capacity, capability, skills among other features. It makes it easy to identify the resources without wasting timing.
The most important principle in the management in an emergency situation is the resources’ identification. This policy deals with identifying, refining and validating resources throughout the emergency time (Phillips, Neal, & Webb, 2012). It involves carrying evaluation of what types and how many resources is needed, where and when the resources are required and who the recipients of the same are. The resources must be requested based on the classification given. When a requestor is unable to define their specification the manager clarifies to them. The specification may change as incidents evolve hence all agencies operating must coordinate closely on this process. Again, the resource management component of IEM is very applicable to the UAE especially these principles. They enable adequate resources use in meeting incidences’ needs.
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Command and Management
It is evident that based on the UAE situation, several commands are required to facilitate different activities. Coordination goes hand in hand with the various administration of every resource availed in combating a situation. Event management involves directing of incidents’ activities that occur in creating the promotion of different disasters between the public and delivering facilities to the sites of concern. It is a visible part of the event management as it commands the operations. This component majorly incorporates the incident command system which is a mechanism for coordinating and collaborating events. Additionally, this tool is crucial for a successful backing up of different events based on the organization structure which may be complex as described in jurisdiction.
The mechanism also brings ease in management of resources, equipment, and human resources. It is tailored to command and operate administers to carry out a logistic function making it consume much time in other rescue activities on the contrary to management. Moreover, the system is scalable and can be incorporated in any agencies despite its size. Therefore, it increases a base of disaster combatant in a country. This system will help the UAE in managing accidents since most of operations will be carried by this system hence making it faster to save people and respond to emergency situations.
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Ongoing Management Maintenance
Another component of the IME is the Ongoing Management Maintenance. It is concerned with managing of IEM through maintaining mechanisms for facilitating the participation of project owners (Phillips, Neal, & Webb, 2012). The management of a potential emergency depends on the lessons learned from previous incidents and training on the administration of disasters.
The ongoing administration management needs maintaining global programs in the IEM awareness. It also requires promoting a real link between the national – level standard for the IEM and those ones that are developed by professional groups, public, and private sectors.
Additionally, it is vital in the application of the database concerned with integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and information for emergency management. All it ensures that the incidents are properly prepared for as a result of studying the past occurrence and predicting the same event hence mitigating its effects to the minimum level. This strategy can be applied in the UAE as it will enable the agencies to carry out evaluations of the past incidences and come up with suitable ways of preventing particular occurrences from repeating themselves.
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In conclusion, a natural disaster is a concern to the society based on the fatalities it causes to individuals. These calamities can only be overcome by states through the deployment of IEM strategies. These options provided in the IEM structure are imperative in providing critical options to mitigate the dangers caused by these fatalities. Therefore, the deployment of these strategies by the UAE will establish a solution to such calamities they experience.
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