The population of the USA consists of much of Diaspora. Despite the fact that everyone was born equal and has the same right for a decent life in this world, there is no doubt that some cultural, religious, radical and ethnic identities have greater impact on other people. My nationality is Chinese, and I have experienced a strong presence of the Latin Diaspora in the area I live in.
The first thing that affected me much is the Hispanic food that has already become a normal part of shopping basket in every supermarket. A person does not need to go to the restaurant anymore in order to try Latino food, as quesadillas and burritos are now available everywhere. Non-Hispanic Americans tend to buy those products more often since the statistics show that its market share is growing with incredible speed. It is a slight problem for me, as being a Chinese, I prefer to eat food that is milder and has not much of the Hispanic ingredients. Thereafter, once I had indigestion and felt sick, so I went to local store to buy some neutral food because I could not drive to the supermarket. Unfortunately, the shelves were all packed with Hispanic food and all I could find were only milk cookies. The increasing number of Hispanic food ousts the other products from the market, which simultaneously prevents me from buying Chinese food more often because of lack of choice.
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The recent statistical surveys show that the number of immigrants who have entered the country have reached record figures. The amount of jobs available on the market from 2000 until 2010 has significantly declined. The dominant player in immigration rate increase is Latin America. The Census Bureau has published a report, which is related to ratios of employment and population. It resembles the data of economic condition of some metropolitan areas and demonstrates how the situation has fluctuated due to global economic recession especially from 2007 to 2009. There has been a significant decline by 4,9 percent. Around fifty big metropolitan areas have faced the consequences of the crisis, with the further decline of ratios of employment and population in 2010 (Cohn 2011). This means that economy was decreased due to a large number of Hispanic immigrants. It is also important to mention that there is a high percentage among them, who does not speak English, which means that they work illegally. This situation has two negative impacts: the government does not receive any taxes and the labor rates for legal immigrants and Native Americans are decreased due to much competitiveness. It affects my family, as we pay taxes and the Hispanic people are happy to work even for lower wages. My uncle had a local store but he had to leave the business as he hired only legal immigrants and paid all taxes. However, the expenses were so high so that the shop’s production process was increased, and sales decreased since the other shops that were owned by Latinos had lower prices due to tax-paying avoidance.
Moreover, it is pertinent to mention a brief story about a Chinese girl, who was born from a Cuban father and Chinese mother. When she grew up, she went to the USA to study in college, but she did not speak Chinese and knew only a few English words. She told me that when she visited the homeland of her mother, she was discriminated because she did not speak Chinese. This story shows how strong the Hispanic culture is, as even being a half-Chinese but Cuban-born, the girl was not given a chance to learn the native language and to educate herself. It proves that Hispanic culture has a quite dominant nature.
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